The Lights Festival! - Houston

You know how you see events advertised on Facebook or wherever and it looks like the coolest thing you'll ever do so you immediately contact the person you know who will be totally into going and think it's the coolest thing ever too?

Surviving 22 Hours in the age of 30+

It can definitely be done and I'm alive to tell the tale (now that I've gathered the scattered pieces of my life). Disclaimer: you will be exhausted at the end of the 22 fact, you may get exhausted after reading this post. Also, there's a chance you'll lose your voice (and perhaps a small piece of your soul) on the strip. Don't ask me how....I still can't really pinpoint the exact cause of my vocal incapacity. If you were watching the videos I posted on FB, you'll notice it started early on in the adventure....I just............I don't know guys. 

In Ibiza, we realized that to have any meaningful exploration, we needed a car. The clubs and everything else notable are spread out across the island. But to drive a car in Ibiza, and I'm sure in other foreign countries, you need an international drivers license. 

Among the four of us and all our stuff, we were prepared to do anything from run the world to birth a baby, yet none of us had the foresight to obtain a foreign drivers license. It's safe to say that none of us had ever heard of such.